See this teacher’s profile page for more information.
- Refuges & Precepts Ceremony 2025-01-06
- Post-Election Reflections 2024-11-07
- Forgiveness Ceremony 2024-09-16
- How We Cultivate Patience 2024-07-22
- Initial Exploration of the 6th Parami: Patience 2024-07-01
- Opening Celebration 2024-06-30
- Vesak Observance Ceremony 2024-05-23
- The Gift of Renunciation 2024-04-22
- Generosity: The Art of Letting Go, Recap & Discussion 2024-02-19
- Generosity: The Art of Letting Go 2024-02-05
- Practicing with the Paramis, Recap & Discussion 2024-01-29
- Practicing with the Paramis 2024-01-22
- Refuges and Precepts 2024-01-08
- Ways to Practice With Delusion 2023-09-25
- Forgiveness Ceremony 2023-09-18
- The Importance of Practicing with Aversion 2023-08-28
- Practicing With Greed 2023-07-24
- Perceiving the World Without Language 2023-06-26
- Exploring Non-Self 2023-06-05
- The Three Characteristics: Dukkha, Talk 3 2023-05-22
- The Three Characteristics: Dukkha, Talk 2 2023-05-15
- The Three Characteristics: Dukkha 2023-05-01
- Impermanence In Real Time 2023-04-17
- Three Characteristics, Talk 1 2023-04-03
- Understanding the Importance and Necessity of Taking Refuge, Part 2: Benefits 2023-02-20
- Understanding the Importance and Necessity of Taking Refuge, Part 1: Limitations 2023-02-06
- Refuges and Precepts Ceremony 2023-01-09
- Returning to the Source, Talk 2 Recap & Discussion 2022-10-24
- Returning to the Source, Talk 2 2022-10-17
- Forgiveness Ceremony 2022-09-12
- Riding the Ox Home, Talk 2 2022-07-18
- Riding the Ox Home, Talk 1 Recap & Discussion 2022-07-11
- Riding the Ox Home, Talk 1 2022-07-04
- Remembrance Ceremony 2022-05-30
- Creative Responses Inspired by the Fourth Picture: Catching the Ox 2022-05-29
- Catching the Ox, Talk 2 Recap & Discussion 2022-05-23
- Vesak Observance Ceremony 2022-05-16
- Catching the Ox, Talk 2, Monday 2022-05-09
- Catching the Ox, Talk 2, Sunday 2022-05-08
- Seeing the Ox, Talk 1 2022-04-04
- Finding Traces of the Ox, Talk 2 Recap 2022-03-28
- Finding Traces of the Ox, Talk 2 2022-03-21
- Finding Traces of the Ox, Talk 1 Recap & Discussion 2022-03-14
- Finding Traces of the Ox, Talk 1 2022-03-07
- Creative Response Inspired by the First Picture, Searching for the Ox 2022-02-27
- Ox-Herding Introduction, Continued 2022-01-24
- Ox-Herding Introduction, Continued 2022-01-23
- Overview of the Ten Ox-Herding Pictures, Recap & Discussion 2022-01-17
- Overview of the Ten Ox-Herding Pictures 2022-01-10
- Introducing the Zen Buddhist Ten Ox-Herding Stories 2022-01-09
- Annual Refuges and Precepts Gathering 2022-01-03
- The Mind As a Boundary 2021-11-28
- The Body and Boundaries 2021-11-21
- Communication: Wise Listening 2021-10-17
- Intro to Communication: Slow Down and Pay Attention 2021-10-03
- Social Engagement for Practitioners, Talk Recap & Discussion 2021-09-20
- Forgiveness Ceremony 2021-09-13
- How Right View (Nonharming) Keeps Us from Being Overwhelmed 2021-09-12
- Social Engagement for Practitioners: An Exploration in Right View (Monday talk) 2021-09-06
- Social Engagement for Practitioners: An Exploration in Right View (Sunday talk) 2021-09-05
- Rituals and Practice 2021-08-30
- Ritual and Devotion: Seeing the Sacred, Talk Recap & Discussion 2021-08-23
- Ritual and Devotion: Seeing the Sacred 2021-08-16
- Practicing with Rituals and Devotion 2021-08-15
- From Ritual in Childhood to Finding Meaning Today 2021-08-08
- Practice is Relationship With 2021-07-04
- Seeing the True Nature of Emotions Through the Five Aggregates and the Asavas 2021-06-20
- Cultivating the Awakening Emotions 2021-06-13
- Remembrance Event 2021-05-31
- Meeting Death with Stillness 2021-05-30
- Vesak Observance Ceremony 2021-05-26
- Death, Dying & Illness, Talk 4 Recap & Discussion 2021-05-24
- Death, Dying & Illness, Talk 4 2021-05-17
- Death, Dying & Illness, Talk 2 2021-05-03
- Addictive Mind, Talk 2 2021-04-04
- Technology and Entertainment, Talk 3 Recap & Discussion 2021-02-22
- Technology and Entertainment, Talk 3 2021-02-15
- Technology and Entertainment, Talk 2 2021-02-14
- Technology and Entertainment, Talk 1 Recap & Discussion 2021-02-08
- Technology and Entertainment, Talk 1 2021-02-01
- Wealth, Abundance, and Wise View: Recap & Discussion 2021-01-25
- Wealth, Abundance, and Wise View, Talk 4: Maintaining Wealth 2021-01-18
- Wealth, Abundance, and Wise View, Talk 3: Acquiring Wealth 2021-01-11
- Wealth, Abundance, and Wise View, Talk 2: Exploring Our Views on Wealth 2021-01-10
- Annual Refuges and Precepts Gathering 2021-01-04
- Wealth, Abundance, and Wise View, Talk 1: Introduction to Dhamma and Wealth 2021-01-03
- Transcendental Dependent Origination: Review and Discussion 2020-12-27
- Introduction to Transcendental Dependent Origination 2020-12-13
- Day 1 midday meditation 2020-12-04
- Birth, Aging, and Death: Practice Tips and Discussion 2020-11-29
- Intuition on Birth, Aging, and Death 2020-11-22
- Sunday Morning Talk – Birth, Aging, and Death 2020-11-08
- Day of Mindfulness: Closing Teaching 2020-11-07
- Day 6 of 6 2020-11-04
- Day 5 of 6 2020-10-28
- Becoming, Talk 2 recap & discussion 2020-10-26
- Day 4 of 6 2020-10-21
- Becoming, Talk 2 2020-10-19
- Day 3 of 6 2020-10-14
- Becoming, Talk 1 2020-10-12
- Day 2 of 6 2020-10-07
- Dependent Origination Q&A 2020-10-05
- Day 1 of 6 2020-09-30
- Clinging: Talk 2 recap & discussion 2020-09-28
- Clinging, Talk 2 2020-09-21
- Clinging, Talk 1 2020-09-07
- Craving, Talk 3 recap & discussion 2020-08-31
- Craving: Practice Tips & Discussion 2020-08-30
- Craving, Talk 3 2020-08-24
- Where Craving Begins 2020-08-16
- Craving, Talk 1 recap & discussion 2020-08-10
- Craving, Talk 1 2020-08-03
- Day 2, 1st Meditation – Etheric Body Guided Meditation 2020-06-14
- Day 2, 2nd Meditation – Astral Body Guided Meditation 2020-06-14
- Day 2, Afternoon Meditation – Intuition Body Guided Meditation 2020-06-14
- Day 2, Importance of Becoming Familiar with the Subtle Bodies 2020-06-14
- Day 1, 1st Meditation – Physical Body Guided Meditation 2020-06-13
- Day 1, 2nd Meditation – Vital Body Guided Meditation 2020-06-13
- Day 1, Afternoon Meditation – Emotional Body Guided Meditation 2020-06-13
- Day 1, Practice Reflections for Working With The Nine Bodies 2020-06-13
- Nine Bodies Practice 2020-06-12
- Sense Doors, Talk 2 recap & discussion 2020-05-25
- Sense Doors, Talk 2 2020-05-18
- Sense Doors, Talk 1 recap & discussion 2020-05-11
- Sense Doors, Talk 1 2020-05-04
- Sankharas, Talk 3 2020-02-24
- Sankharas, Talk 1 2020-02-03
- Ignorance 2020-01-20
- Annual Refuges and Precepts Gathering 2020-01-06
- Practicing with Equanimity Around Social Justice 2019-12-23
- Equanimity 2 2019-12-16
- Equanimity (Dec 2019) 2019-12-02
- Concentration II 2019-11-18
- Concentration 2019-11-04
- Energy – Third Factor of Awakening 2019-08-05
- The Seven Factors of Enlightenment: Mindfulness 2019-06-10
- Dharma Talk: Gladdening of the Heart 2019-06-03
- Dharma Talks for Final Sit at SIMS SODO 2019-05-28
- Restlessness 2019-03-05
- Aversion: Week 2 (Dealing with our Emotions) 2019-02-19
- Aversion: Week 1 2019-02-05
- Refuges and Precepts Ceremony 2019-01-08
- SIMS Annual Forgiveness and Welcoming Ceremony 2018-08-28
- Right Livelihood 2018-07-03
- Practicing with Right Intention 2018-06-19
- Right Intention 2018-06-12
- Right View 2018-05-01
- Fourth Noble Truth – Talk 2 2018-04-24
- The Dharma of Service – Volunteer Appreciation Night 2018-04-17
- Fourth Noble Truth 2018-04-03
- Third Noble Truth: Cessation of Dukkha 2018-03-06
- Second Noble Truth: Practicing with Tanha 2018-02-20
- Second Noble Truth: Tanha 2018-02-13
- Living the Paramis (Talk 2 of 2) 2017-12-19
- Living the Paramis (Talk 1 of 2) 2017-12-05
- SIMS Annual Forgiveness and Welcoming Ceremony 2017-09-19
- The Paramis: Practicing with Resolve 2017-08-22
- The Paramis: The Nature of Resolve 2017-08-01
- The Paramis: Practicing with Patience 2017-06-20
- The Paramis: The Nature of Patience 2017-06-06
- The Paramis: Practicing with Energy/Strength 2017-05-16
- The Paramis: The Nature of Energy/Strength 2017-05-02
- The Paramis: Practicing with Virtue 2017-02-21
- The Paramis: The Nature of Virtue 2017-02-07
- The Paramis: Practicing with Generosity 2017-01-24
- The Paramis: The Nature of Generosity 2017-01-10
- Refuges and Precepts 2017-01-03
- Practicing in Ordinary Life: Continuity of Mindfulness 2016-10-18
- Practicing in Everyday Life: Continuity of Suffering 2016-10-04
- Sangha as the Whole of the Practice: From Relationship to Community 2016-07-19
- Sangha as the Whole of the Practice: What Seeks Division 2016-07-12
- Sangha as the Whole of the Practice: Shared Intention 2016-07-05
- Exploring Liberation from the Four Distortions: Seeing the Unattractive as Attractive 2016-04-26
- Exploring Liberation From the Four Distortions: Assuming A Self Where There Is No Self 2016-04-19
- The Four Distortions: Pursuing Satisfaction From That Which Is Unsatisfactory 2016-04-12
- Exploring Liberation from the Four Distortions: Taking That Which Is Impermanent To Be Permanent 2016-04-05
- A Journey Inward: Exploring the Five Faculties (Wisdom) 2015-12-22
- A Journey Inward: Exploring the Five Faculties (Mindfulness and Concentration) 2015-12-15
- A Journey Inward: Exploring the Five Faculties (Faith/Energy) 2015-12-08
- A Journey Inward: Exploring the Five Faculties (Faith) 2015-12-01
- Liberating the Mind: Working with Greed, Hatred and Delusion 2014-12-09
- The Four “Ennobling” Truths 2013-07-23
- The Four Noble Truths & The Twelve Insights (Monday evenings, 2025) 2025-01-06
- Awakening Into the Paramis (Monday evenings, 2024) 2024-01-09
- Teaching the Threes (Monday evenings, 2023) 2023-01-14
- The Ten Ox-Herding Pictures (Monday evenings, 2022) 2022-01-10
- The Ten Ox-Herding Pictures (Sunday mornings, 2022) 2022-01-09
- Dhamma in Daily Life (Monday evenings, 2021) 2021-01-11
- Dhamma in Daily Life (Sunday mornings, 2021) 2021-01-01
- Deepening Your Meditation Through Stillness and Movement: A Weekend of Practicing Meditation Utilizing the Elements (2020) 2020-12-04
- Introductory Meditation Class (2020 September–November) 2020-09-30
- Sunday Morning Meditation & Dhamma (2020, Dependent Origination) 2020-08-02
- The Nine Bodies of Consciousness: A Practical Map for Insight Practitioners 2020-06-12
- Dependent Origination (2020) 2020-01-13
- Exploring the Qualities of Mind 2019-01-15
- Four Noble Truths 2018-01-09
- Living the Paramis 2017-12-05
- The Paramis: Resolve 2017-08-01
- The Paramis: Energy/Strength and Patience 2017-05-02
- The Paramis: Generosity and Virtue 2017-01-10
- Practicing in Everyday Life 2016-10-04
- Sangha as the Whole of the Practice 2016-07-05
- Exploring Liberation from the Four Distortions 2016-04-05
- A Journey Inward: Exploring the Five Faculties 2015-12-01