Study Materials
Beginning Our Practice by Rodney Smith
In the Spirit of Generosity – Dana
Dharma Etiquette by Rodney Smith
Wise View by Rodney Smith
What is the Right Attitude in Meditation? by U Tejaniya
Understanding Contact Anger by Rodney Smith
Meditation and Dealing with Difficult Emotions by Rodney Smith
Meditation and the Urge for Fulfillment by Rodney Smith
Implied Dharma – Breathing Life into the Suttas by Rodney Smith
The Wisdom of Loss and Trauma by Rodney Smith
The Essence of Practice by Rodney Smith
Practice through Service by Rodney Smith
Living the Question of Life: An Interview with Rodney Smith by Victoria Jean Dimidjian
- Listening Is the Way In
- Noninterference
- Sangha
- Selfless Practice
- Social Outreach
- Spiritual Friendship
- The Challenge of Practicing with Illness
- Working with Trauma
- A Complete Path to Awakening
- Compassionate Action
- Continuum of Practice
- False Boundaries
- Finding the Sacred
- For the Welfare of the Many
- Generosity – Giving from the Heart
- Implied Dharma – Breathing Life into the Suttas
View the video series by Rodney Smith here
Readings on Dependent Origination
Dependent Origination: The Buddhist Law of Conditionality by P.A. Payutto – The teaching of causal interdependence describes the law of nature, which exists as the natural course of things.
Dependent Origination by Christina Feldman – This shows us a way to live founded on a sense of freedom.
The Wheel of Dependent Origination (graphic illustration)
Dependent Origination Weekly Inquiries & Readings by Gary Buck