Seattle Insight Meditation

Story in 60

Sharing Our Stories, Inspiring Practice, Growing a Strong, Diverse Sangha


Listen to sangha members speak briefly about the dharma in their own lives.

Storyin60 bridges the spoken and written word to share our inspiration about the Dharma, celebrate our new spiritual home, and grow a strong, diverse Sangha.

Nana Gyesie, Seattle Insight Meditation Society
Nana Gyesie

Listen to Nana’s story below about how meeting our Guiding Teacher, Tuere Sala, led him to use the dharma to find presence and light in these times.

Storyin60 Deb Slivinsky Photo
Deb Slivinsky

By remembering that it’s not personal, not perfect, and not permanent, I’ve been able to hold a lot of spaciousness in my life. Through these dark COVID days, the Dharma has made daily living….well, liveable. For that I am immensely grateful.

Kalid Azad

The Dharma has let me explore my mind and find a deeper sense of ease and peace.

Iris Antman

The dharma has been a central influence in my life since I started practicing more than a decade ago. It provides a pragmatic and spiritual understanding of the world and how to move towards being a more considerate and authentic person. The fruits of practice are present in myriad ways and slowly but surely are leading to less suffering and more joy.

Storyin60_Sooz Appel_Photo
Sooz Appel

Listen to Sooz’s story about a delightful experience on a recent retreat and the power of sangha.

Cubba Reese
The second jewel of the Dharma: the sangha. It’s been a place to practice the teachings, which has allowed them to develop more fully with family, friends, and my wider community.
Susan Alotrico

The ability to see through perceptions of a fixed self and grow compassion for one’s own precious life and lives of all beings is available.

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