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Satipatthana Sutta, Third Foundation: Division Through Boredom

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Teacher: Rodney Smith
Date: 2011-06-14
Venue: Seattle Insight Meditation Center



Boredom tries to convince you that you must wait for life to be interesting enough to live and that now is not worth paying attention to.  Boredom has you bypass the present for the excitement of a future possibility. Ask yourself when boredom arises, “When is life better than now?”


When do you find yourself bored? What intensity of entertainment are you dependent upon to keep your life exciting and interesting? What conclusion does boredom reach about this moment? When this state arises is there fear that you may be a boring person or that life without stimulation may not be worth living? This week study all aspects of boredom, when and under what circumstances it rises, how you counter the mind state, any fear that might arise, and conclusions that are drawn. Instead of acting out the boredom or applying counter measures, sit and be patient. Do not listen to the boredom-induced thoughts. Watch the state of mind itself closely and arouse interest in seeing what it is. It is the mind’s defense against being here and now and cannot withstand close attention. Until we are willing to see through this mind state, practice will arrest whenever boredom arises.


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