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Satipatthana Sutta, Third Foundation: Division Through Arrogance

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Teacher: Rodney Smith
Date: 2011-06-28
Venue: Seattle Insight Meditation Center



Arrogance is a remnant from the pain of the self that wants to be seen and heard as special and privileged. It is our spiritual work to watch not only the subtle grasping and aversive formations of self but its gross manifestations like arrogance as well.  What is the pain behind this mental display, and what are the assumptions that move arrogance forward?


Observe how you listen to others as a meter of your own arrogance. Is the other voice given equal weight, equal worth, or is everything screened through the validity of your opinions? Do you wait for someone to stop speaking so you can make the essential point needed in a conversation? Ask yourself, ” Where is the humility in this moment?” when such occasions arise. Once the arrogance is seen, release the opinion you are waiting to express or the judgment you are feeling, and simply remind yourself that this too has merit.


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