Seattle Insight Meditation
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Teacher: Rodney Smith
Date: 2005-07-12
Venue: Seattle Insight Meditation Center



For the next three weeks investigate the relationship between being calm and your ability to focus. As an experiment, try to eliminate any distractions that are not absolutely necessary. Plan these weeks in advance so everything nonessential can be postponed. Structure your time so you have fewer commitments, fewer auditory and visual distractions, socialize a little less, and have a regular disciplined sitting practice. Deliberately slow down so you always know what you are doing while you are doing it. What effect does the speed of your day have on your calmness of mind and how does that calmness affect your stability of mind (Samadhi)? You may want to extend these weeks with some alteration into a lifestyle. Notice the effects this intentional simplicity and resulting calm has on your mental harmony.

TalkID=641 SeriesID=17,32,38

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