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Teacher: Tuere Sala
Date: 2016-07-19
Venue: Seattle Insight Meditation Center
- Sangha as the Whole of the Practice 2016-07-05
Kalyana mitrata – spiritual friendship – is at the heart of Sangha. This spiritual friendship keeps us all strong and committed as we walk this path to awakening together. We sit with one another and at the same time we sit for one another. Together we can have the courage to move into the unknown, to abandon our habits of mind and to step into our Buddha nature. We can experience both the relative and ultimate realities of practice. This week we will consider what it means to be a spiritual community.
Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh has said many times that the next Buddha may be sangha. What does that mean to you? How important is Sangha in your practice? Do you feel connected to the larger SIMS community? If so, how often do you take the time to acknowledge this? If you don’t feel connected to the larger SIMS community, is that something you would like? What would you need to feel more connected? Are you willing to get more engaged? This week we are contemplating what Sangha looks like to each of us and how we can bring a sense of refuge in Sangha into our everyday practice.
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TalkID=506 SeriesID=71