Seattle Insight Meditation

Second Noble Truth: Tanha

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Teacher: Tuere Sala
Date: 2018-02-13
Venue: Seattle Insight Meditation Center



This month we will be practicing with the 2nd Noble Truth – There is a cause or origin of Dukkha (Suffering). This cause is called tanha or desire. It is the desire for sense pleasure; the desire for becoming and the desire to get rid of. These first two weeks are about investigating the nature of tanha in our own lives. Tanha can be felt and realized as a hunger, a thirst, an unsatisfied or insatiable longing. You are not looking at what you are seeking or the object of your desire. You want to simply feel into the felt sense of wanting; the wanting of sense pleasures, the wanting of what you don’t have or the wanting to get rid of what you have. Try it for yourself – taste something you like and watch what happens in the mind and body. Notice what happens in the mind and body when you want to get rid of some sensation, obsession or condition. Reflect on who you are trying to become and consider the part of you that is not satisfied with what is present. This practice is not about judging yourself for having desire nor are you trying to rid yourself of all desire. You simply want to take the next two weeks to learn to recognize the presence, nature and impact of desire on both the body and mind.


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