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Satipatthana Sutta: Vedana and Mind States

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Teacher: Tim Geil
Date: 2016-05-24
Venue: Seattle Insight Meditation Center



An essential aspect of mindfulness is non-preferential attention. In the Second and Third Foundations of Mindfulness, the Buddha emphasizes this quality even in the midst of reactivity, infatuation and meditative mind states. Repeatedly, he instructs us to just know what is present. This quality of attention sees beyond the normal duality of better or worse. In this way, mindfulness of vedana and mind continues the process of deconstruction of the sense of self.


When a strong mind state arises, shift your attention from the subject of the state to the actual experience of the state. Ground yourself by connecting with the physical sensations arising with the mind state. Notice what is the core “flavor” of the state. For example, if feeling irritation, notice the quality of unpleasantness. Allow yourself to deeply feel and acknowledge this fundamental quality of the state. See if you can respond with compassion to this mind state instead of acting from reactivity.


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