Seattle Insight Meditation


The Buddha’s teachings are offered according to the principle of dana, an ancient Pali word meaning “generosity,” “giving,” or “gift.” Dana has played a central role throughout the history of Buddhism. In the early days of the Buddha these teachings were considered priceless and offered freely. Early teachers of the dharma were supported solely by the lay community, who voluntarily provided monks and nuns with food, clothing, and shelter and continue to be supported in this manner today.

Now, 2,600 years later, this amazing practice of generosity that Buddha Shakyamuni created for mutual support. When this was brought to the west, a decision was made that the dharma is still being freely offered to all who want to hear. No one is turned away for inability to pay. So, through your generous contributions of dana, you not only support the continuation of the dharma but also provide the opportunity for others with less financial means to hear it as well. Today such generosity is only possible through your monetary donations or your offering help as a volunteer. 

Thank you for your support!

Dana to Seattle Insight

Following this ancient tradition, Seattle Insight Meditation is fully supported through your generosity. Dana to Seattle Insight pays for all of our operating expenses and funds a monthly stipend for our guiding teachers for administrative work. Our operating expenses include rent, insurance, website and online meeting costs, and other administrative expenses. Seattle Insight is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations to Seattle Insight are tax deductible. Our tax ID Number is 91-1919405.

Give, even if you only have a little.” The Buddha.
Scroll down the page to offer dana to specific teachers.

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Donation Total: $50 One Time

Sangha members who wish to provide dana directly to our teachers can do so utilizing the links below. This direct support is an important part of our teachers’ livelihood and their ongoing ability to freely share the teachings of the dharma.

Please note that direct donations to teachers are not tax deductible.

Tim Geil – PayPal or Venmo (@tim-geil)

Tuere Sala – PayPal, Venmo or credit card

Keri Pederson – PayPal or Venmo (@keri-pederson-1)

Rodney Smith – Paypal

Give dana to our Local Dharma Leaders

Sooz Appel – Venmo – @sooz-appel

Jerry Harter – PayPal

Lyndal Johnson – PayPal

Aravind (Arv) Moorthy – PayPal or Venmo (@thisisarv)

Steve Wilhelm – PayPal

Lauren Wilson – PayPal

“So with an unhesitant mind, one should give where the gift bears great fruit.”
~ The Buddha
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