Seattle Insight Meditation

Special Events and Guest Teachers

Guest Teacher Talks and Other Special Events

Guest teachers will generally offer a public talk on the Friday before their non-residential weekend.  Seattle Insight is also fortunate to have regular guest teachers who come to hold evening talks and non-residential retreats.  Some of regular guest teachers at Seattle Insight have included Sharon Salzberg, Ajahn Sumedho, Norman Fischer, Christina Feldman, Phillip Moffitt, Steve Armstrong, and numerous others who visit and freely offer their wisdom and deep practice to our sangha. Visit the guest teacher page to read more bios.

Scheduled Guest Teacher Events

Special Events

Annual Refuges and Precepts Ceremony

During this popular evening, we renew our commitment to the five precepts and take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. This annual event is held during the first Monday night of the New Year and includes silent meditation, dharma talks, chanting and ceremony.

Annual Forgiveness Ceremony

Spiritual forgiveness is a necessary part of beginning again.  It is the foundation for renewing our faith and realigning us with our values and practice.  Ceremony restores our soul and provides the space to include everything on the path.  This annual event is held in early September and includes silent meditation, dharma talks, chanting and a bowing ceremony. 

Annual Remembrance Ceremony

This special evening is a time to remember sangha members, loved ones and friends who have passed.This annual event is held around Memorial Day and includes silent meditation, dharma talks, chanting and ceremony. 

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