Seattle Insight Meditation

The Fear of Being Known

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Teacher: Rodney Smith
Date: 2004-02-03
Venue: Seattle Insight Meditation Center



Write down a list of what makes you unique and different. Beside each of those traits write whether you are accepting or not of those qualities. Across from the second list, write some of your behaviors that attempt to deny those features. (For example, “I am shy and am not accepting of that trait so I avoid crowed rooms.”) This week watch how fear of being known prevents authenticity and maintains your inward judger and commentator. Observe how this fear prevents your voice from being heard. Watch all the ways you hide your position, the way you shake your head in agreement when you disagree, the way you go along when it runs counter to your inward voice, the way you pull back in safely and refuse to get involved. What are you afraid people will see if you did not hide? Ask yourself, “What am I protecting?” as a mantra when these occasions arise. Bring unconditional acceptance to whatever you observe in yourself or you may tie the knot of deceit even tighter.

TalkID=697 SeriesID=34

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