Special Note about hybrid Zoom/In-Person meeting
Monday Night Dharma Talk and Meditation is meeting as a hybrid – In-Person & Online. You are invited to come in person or everyone is also welcome to join via Zoom software. Current event status and links are on the Online Events page.
There is a 40 minute non-guided meditation sit. If you think this will be challenging for you, you can learn how to meditate at one of our introductory meditation classes.
If you are attending in person and arriving late, please be aware that for safety purposes the entry doors will be closed and locked for the evening at 7:15 P.M.
Resource Page for Yearly Focus
What is the Noble Truth of Suffering (Dukkha)?
• First Insight: There is suffering.
• Second Insight: Suffering should be understood.
• Third Insight: Suffering has been understood.
What is the Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering?
• Fourth Insight: The origin of suffering is craving (tanha).
• Fifth Insight: Craving should be abandoned.
• Sixth Insight: Craving has been abandoned.
What is the Noble Truth of the Ending of Suffering?
• Seventh Insight: There is the ending of suffering.
• Eighth Insight: The ending of suffering should be realized.
• Ninth Insight: The ending of suffering has been realized.
What is the Noble Truth of the Way to the Ending of Suffering?
• Tenth Insight: It is The Noble Eightfold Path (Right View, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration)
• Eleventh Insight: This Noble Truth should be penetrated by cultivating the path.
• Twelfth Insight: This Noble Truth has been penetrated by cultivating the path.
If you have questions about this event, please contact webmaster@seattleinsight.org
The Monday evening ongoing class at SIMS starts with a meditation and is followed by a dharma talk. The evening is open to anyone who has had introductory meditation instruction from a qualified instructor. Dharma talks are often presented in series.
Registration & Donation
Registration is not needed for this class. The suggested event donation is $5, plus teacher dana. (Dana is a term for generosity, or freely offered giving.) Teacher dana can be offered at the event or online. Please use your best efforts to pay the suggested donation or another heartfelt amount. All are welcome regardless of ability to pay.
Dana for SIMS and the Teachers can be offered online at https://seattleinsight.org/donate, or in person on Monday nights.