Seattle Insight Meditation
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Discovering True Equanimity together: An Insight Dialogue Daylong (In-Person & Online)


November 09, 2024


9:00 am - 4:30 pm
In Person at Seattle Insight Meditation (UFM) and Online, 4001 9th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98105 United States

Zoom Link here (unless registration or email required – see description below)


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Join us for a daylong Insight Dialogue retreat dedicated to cultivating equanimity, a quality that allows us to remain balanced, grounded and open-hearted amidst life’s inevitable ups and downs– especially just after the U.S. election. 

Through guided meditation, contemplation and relational mindfulness practices, we will explore how to cultivate our capacity to stay present, spacious, and engaged, both in our own lives and in connection with others. We will also explore how to experientially discern the difference between the “near and far enemies” of equanimity and true equanimity. No previous Insight Dialogue experience is required. All are welcome.

Based in the Buddhist tradition, Insight Dialogue harnesses the power of relationship to amplify, refine, and accelerate the development of mindfulness, wisdom and compassion. Consisting of 6 meditative guidelines practiced in dyads or more,  the practice supports the wisdom of Dhamma to enter the heart-mind in a direct and embodied way that is immediately applicable in daily life.


If you have a question about this event or for the teacher, please contact

Registration and Donation

We are requesting registration for this event. SIMS registration volunteers are available until an event’s start time. Registration closes at the start of the event. Please see the registration form below.

The suggested event donation is $30 plus teacher dana. Teachers do not receive any of the event fees but do accept student donations or dana for their livelihood. (Dana is a term for generosity, or freely offered giving.) Please use your best efforts to pay the suggested donation or another heartfelt amount. All are welcome regardless of ability to pay. (Select the “donate at the event” option to choose a different donation amount or to donate by check rather than credit card – please see the SIMS website donation link for details.)

Thank you for your interest in this Day of Mindfulness. SIMS is so pleased to offer this event and we hope you will be able to join us.

Event Venue
In Person at Seattle Insight Meditation (UFM) and Online, 4001 9th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98105 United States

If there is no location or map here, it means this is an online only meeting.

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