Guest Teachers
An Evening with Anam Thubten – In Person (and online)
Seattle Insight Meditation (University Friends) 4001 9th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA, United StatesThis program will be hosted both in-person and online (hybrid). You are currently on the registration page to join Anam Thubten in-person at our location in the University District. Click here if you prefer to attend online. No registration is necessary for online attendance. In-person space is limited. Please only register below for in person […]
Dhamma Talk and Q&A with Ajahn Jayasāro (In-Person & Online)
In Person at Seattle Insight Meditation (UFM) and Online 4001 9th Ave NE, Seattle, WA, United StatesDescription Join us for a Dhamma talk followed by questions & answers with Ajahn Jayasāro at University Friends Meeting, on Friday evening, May 3rd, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. The event, co-hosted by Seattle Insight Meditation Society and Clear Mountain Monastery represents a growing friendship. Welcome! If you are coming in person to UFM in […]
Heart Teachings from Bhikkhuni Dhammananda with Cindy Rasicot (Online)
ZoomJoin Online Here! No registration is required. The room will open about 15 minutes before the start of the event. Description Join author Cindy Rasicot for an inspiring book talk about a dynamic feminist Asian Buddhist Monk, Dhammananda Bhikkhuni. A TV personality, academic, and author, Bhikkhuni Dhammananda defied convention to become the first woman fully […]