Seattle Insight Meditation
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Weekly Sunday Morning Sit & Dharma Talk (Online)


July 21, 2024


10:00 am - 11:30 am

Zoom Link here (unless registration or email required – see description below)

Current event status and meeting links are on the Online Events page. This Sunday morning Sit and Dharma talk meets online only via Zoom software.

The Paramis or The Ten Perfections

See the Sunday Sit Resources page here!

The Paramis are the ten states of mind, attitude or behaviors that lead to peace. They are interrelated with each other without and are fluid, flowing in and out of each other. Below is a general statement about each:

Generosity: Having a willingness to open to all things, to share with others and contemplate abundance.

Morality: Being willing to undertake the training to live within the 5 precepts.

Renunciation: Cultivating the capacity to abandon our attachments.

Wisdom: Being able to see or consider the implications of the 3 Characteristics in any experience.

Energy: Our level of willingness to participate in mental development.

Patience: Cultivating the capacity to stop our resistance to the truth of an experience.

Truthfulness: Paying attention to the truthfulness of words and actions.

Resolution: The degree in which we are willing to follow our aspiration to practice.

Lovingkindness: The willingness to connect with and care about other sentient beings.

Equanimity: Being willing to consider phenomena outside our opinions and judgments.

Dana for SIMS and the Teachers can be offered online at, or at the event once we are able to meet in person again.

Registration & Donation

Registration is not needed for this class. The suggested event donation is $5, plus teacher dana. (Dana is a term for generosity, or freely offered giving.) Teacher dana can be offered at the event using the Donate link above. Please use your best efforts to pay the suggested donation or another heartfelt amount. All are welcome regardless of ability to pay.

Event Venue

If there is no location or map here, it means this is an online only meeting.

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