Seattle Insight Meditation

Introductory Meditation Class

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Date: 2016-01-11


Insight meditation also known as mindfulness or vipassana meditation comes from the Buddhist tradition. It aims to free the mind from the distortions of self-centeredness, negativity, and confusion. Seeing life as a constantly changing process, one begins to accept pleasure and pain, fear and joy, and all aspects of life with increasing balance and equanimity. This balanced awareness, grounded in the present moment, leads to stillness and a growing understanding of the nature of life. Out of this seeing emerges wisdom and compassion.

It is a moment-to-moment investigation of the mind and body process. Our experience is explored from a balanced and spacious awareness which allows the heart to flower in love. During these six weekly sessions there will be meditation instructions, talks about the philosophy of the practice, homework assignments, and discussion.

Teachers: Rodney Smith

Venues: Nalanda West



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