Join us for an evening with Anam Thubten on Thursday March 13, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM. This event is both in-person at Seattle Insight Meditation (UFM) and online.
To the best of your ability, please select the in-person option only if you intend to come in person. This helps ensure physical space for all, at well-attended events. All ticket holders receive the Zoom link via email the day before the event.
What to Expect
Anam Thubten will teach and guide participants in developing three aspects of meditation: mindful attention, open awareness, and loving kindness. By practicing these, we can let go of negative mental patterns and expand our hearts and minds, bringing about joy, peace, and inner freedom. He will also share Buddhist wisdom on working with our thoughts and emotions. Through the essential wisdom of Buddhism and his personal experiences on the spiritual path, Anam Thubten brings alive the timeless teachings and invites everyone to participate.
About Anam Thubten
Anam Thubten grew up in Tibet and at an early age began to practice in the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. He currently resides in the San Francisco Bay area. He is the founder and spiritual advisor of Dharmata Foundation, teaching widely in the US, Europe, and Asia. Anam Thubten is the author of several books, including Embracing Each Moment, No Self No Problem, and The Magic of Awareness. His most recent books are Citadel of Awareness and Voice of the Primordial Buddha.
Additional PNW Events with Anan Thubten
Anan Thubten will also be in Olympia for a public talk on March 14 and a weekend retreat on March 15-16. Details for the events in Olympia can be found here: https://events.humanitix.com/copy-of-anam-thubten-meditation-retreat-olympia-wa
Details for the event and a Zoom link will be sent prior to the event. For questions about the event, please contact registrar@seattleinsight.org.
Registration & Donation
Registration for this event is required. If you need to cancel your registration, please email registrar@seattleinsight.org prior to the beginning of the event. As the usual cancellation fee is $10, no refunds will be offered for this event.
Your registration donation covers the cost of organizing the event only and does not go to the teacher. At the event, you will have the opportunity to offer dana (freely-offered giving) directly to the teacher. Or, you can donate online at https://dharmata.org/giving/.
Donations to Seattle Insight Meditation can be made here. Thank you for your generosity.
Will this event be recorded?
This event will be made available within a few months on the SIMS web site talk-library.