Seattle Insight Meditation
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All About Boundaries with Rodney Smith (Online)


February 17, 2024


9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Zoom Link here (unless registration or email required – see description below)


In this nonresidential online weekend retreat, we will explore how and why we conceptually impose internal and external boundaries upon a world that is naturally boundary free. Each time we draw a line of demarcation internally (my body, my mind, my persona) or externally (others, the external world, nature) we establish a narrowing definition of ourselves while increasing our psychic distance from others. We believe we gain control by establishing boundaries but are usually unaware of how it restrains and limits our freedom.

Join Rodney on this two-day exploration of boundaries, which will also explore the sanity of setting healthy personal boundaries and establishing principled ethical limits. The weekend will include dharma talks, silent and guided meditations, Q & A sessions, and Qigong with Ellen.

About Rodney Smith

Rodney Smith is a retired Insight Meditation Society (IMS) guiding teacher and retired founding and guiding teacher of the Seattle Insight Meditation Society (SIMS). A former Buddhist monk and hospice director, he has taught meditation for over 35 years and is the author of Lessons from the Dying; Stepping Out of Self-Deception: The Buddha’s Liberating Teaching of No-Self; Awakening: A Paradigm Shift of the Heart; and Touching the Infinite: A New Perspective on the Buddha’s Four Foundation of Mindfulness. He teaches more sparingly now and spends much of his day in quiet.


For questions about the retreat, please contact

Registration & Donation

Registration for this Retreat is required. The suggested event donations are listed below, plus teacher dana. Dana is a term for generosity, or freely offered giving. Dana for SIMS can be offered on our website on the Donate page.

To offer Dana to Rodney, please use the this link: A check may also be sent to SIMs.

Event Venue

If there is no location here, it means this is an online only meeting.

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